Altea Energy supports the innovative FabLab created by the University of Ouargla and Total Energies Algeria

Altea Energy supports the innovative FabLab created by the University of Ouargla and Total Energies Algeria

Ouargla, January 15, 2025 – As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy and its commitment to develop local talents, Altea Energy recently contributed to the development of the cutting-edge FabLab at the University of Kasdi Merbah Ouargla (UKMO) by provi...
Altea Energy at the JENTHEC 2024 Forum in Algiers: a commitment to youth employability

Altea Energy at the JENTHEC 2024 Forum in Algiers: a commitment to youth employability

On December 5, 2024, Altea Energy, a recruitment specialist in the energy sector, actively participated in the 15th edition of the JENTHEC Employment and Professional Training Forum, organized by the École des Hautes Études Commerciales d’Alger (HEC Alger, formerly INC)...
Altea Energy joins the #2024jeBASCULE initiative for cleaner urban transportation

Altea Energy joins the #2024jeBASCULE initiative for cleaner urban transportation

At Altea Energy, our commitment to sustainability and reducing our environmental impact lies at the heart of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy. As part of our carbon action plan, we are proud to announce our participation to the #2024jeBASCULE initiativ...
[Certification] Altea Energy successfully passes its Qualianor surveillance audit

[Certification] Altea Energy successfully passes its Qualianor surveillance audit

One year after obtaining Qualianor certification for radiation protection, Altea Energy successfully passed its annual surveillance audit at the end of September 2024. This crucial step confirms that the company continues to meet the highest safety standards in the nucl...
Altea Energy: A Committed and Responsible Actor at the Heart of the Energy Sector

Altea Energy: A Committed and Responsible Actor at the Heart of the Energy Sector

Founded in 2008, Altea Energy is a technical assistance and engineering support company operating in the energy sector. Initially specialized in oil and gas, the company has diversified its activities in recent years to include renewable energies such as wind and solar...
Altea Energy trains 80 students at Kasdi Merbah University in Ouargla, Algeria

Altea Energy trains 80 students at Kasdi Merbah University in Ouargla, Algeria

Ouargla, May 15, 2024 – Altea Energy was invited to lead a training session with 80 students from the University of Ouargla in collaboration with the Career Center and the Geophysics Club, to help them best prepare for their entry in working life and thus bridge the gap...
Altea Energy, invited to speak at the PHENEC event, February 21st, 2024 at the University of Ouargla

Altea Energy, invited to speak at the PHENEC event, February 21st, 2024 at the University of Ouargla

On the occasion of the PHENEC event, organized by the Petroleum Club Ouargla SPE Student Chapter from February 20th to 22nd, 2024, Altea Energy, represented by El Hachemi OUKIL, Country Manager Algeria, spoke during an inspiring conference with students from the Faculty...
Altea Energy signs a training agreement with the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Vocational Training in Ouargla, Algeria

Altea Energy signs a training agreement with the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Vocational Training in Ouargla, Algeria

Ouargla, January 30, 2024 – In line with the partnership agreement signed between Altea Energy and the University of Ouargla in December 2021, the employment directorate of Ouargla and the vocational training directorate of the Wilaya of Ouargla signed this Tuesday, Jan...
[University of Ouargla] First educational outing for students at the heart of the Altea Energy base

[University of Ouargla] First educational outing for students at the heart of the Altea Energy base

At the heart of its CSR policy in Algeria, Altea Energy has signed a cooperation agreement since 2021 with the University of Ouargla. For the launch of the 2023-2024 university program, Altea Energy welcomed a group of students during a first educational outing on Decem...
Altea Energy participates in the “JENTHEC 2023” job fair at EHEC Algiers

Altea Energy participates in the “JENTHEC 2023” job fair at EHEC Algiers

Expert in recruitment for energy players, the Altea Energy team was invited on December 11, 2023 to the 14th edition of the “JENTHEC 2023” Job Fair, organized by EHEC Algiers, the “Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales”.
4 premium services to facilitate and secure the travels of our consultants in Algeria

4 premium services to facilitate and secure the travels of our consultants in Algeria

Are you a consultant in the energy sector and looking to put your expertise to work on ambitious projects in Algeria, without worrying about logistics and your security? The Altea Energy logistics team has created 4 premium services to offer its community of consultants...
[Partnership – University of Ouargla] Launch of the program for the 2023-2024 academic year

[Partnership – University of Ouargla] Launch of the program for the 2023-2024 academic year

At the heart of its CSR policy in Algeria, Altea Energy attended a meeting on October 9th with the University of Ouargla*, with which a cooperation agreement has been signed since 2021. Look back at the 4 actions defined during this meeting to launch the program for the...
Radioprotection certification: an essential step for the health and safety of nuclear consultants

Radioprotection certification: an essential step for the health and safety of nuclear consultants

As part of the diversification of its activities towards nuclear power initiated in 2021, Altea Energy takes a further step to strengthen its health and safety policy and obtains its Qualianor radioprotection certification, to analyze and monitor the ionizing radiation ...
Altea Energy undertakes its 2022 carbon assessment to measure its greenhouse gas emissions

Altea Energy undertakes its 2022 carbon assessment to measure its greenhouse gas emissions

Concerned about its environmental impact, Altea Energy has carried out its 2022 Carbon Footprint, which aims to account for greenhouse gas emissions from the activity of its 12 offices and subsidiaries, as well as from the mobilization of hundreds of consultants around ...
Altea Energy is proud to meet Afnor standards and to be recertified ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001

Altea Energy is proud to meet Afnor standards and to be recertified ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001

Certified ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment), ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety) since 2020, Altea Energy has been assessed in March 2023 by an independent certification body, Interface NRM*, and is pleased to announce that the company has passed the re...
QHSE : a major challenge in Altea Energy’s development strategy

QHSE : a major challenge in Altea Energy’s development strategy

Since 2008, Altea Energy has been mobilizing consultants on the energy projects of its clients, in more than 100 countries around the world, sometimes on risky sites and in extreme conditions on land and at sea.
Altea Energy contributes to safer and more sustainable oil & gas operations through its Well Integrity services

Altea Energy contributes to safer and more sustainable oil & gas operations through its Well Integrity services

As we tackle the global climate crisis, energy production needs to move away from fossil fuels and towards greener energies such as wind, solar and hydropower, to secure a better future for next generations and save our sole precious home…Earth.
[Partnership] A cooperation agreement between Altea Energy and the University of Ouargla

[Partnership] A cooperation agreement between Altea Energy and the University of Ouargla

Altea Energy is pleased to announce the signing of a cooperation agreement with the University of Ouargla, Algeria, on 14 December 2021, which will allow for joint local initiatives and increased efforts for the benefit of students, teachers and researchers.