Focus on renewable projects in Europe to diversify the energy mix

The energy transition to renewable energy is an important challenge for Europe, as well as an opportunity to create new jobs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the continent’s energy security.

Renewable energy sources

In 2022, renewable energies represented 22.2% of energy consumed in Europe (compared to 21.8% in 2021). The EU’s objective is to reach 32% renewable energy in its gross final consumption by 2030. The REPowerEU plan aims to increase the target to 42.5% in 2030. A provisional agreement was signed in March 2023.

These ambitious objectives aimed at diversifying the European energy mix explain the proliferation of numerous projects for the production of cleaner and more sustainable energies, including: wind energy, hydroelectric energy, photovoltaic solar energy, biomass and geothermal energy.

“The green energy sector is experiencing real changes and projects have multiplied exponentially in recent years, favoured by a regulatory context which is tightening and climate changes that no one can ignore. We are alongside green energy players to support this necessary transition and help them carry out their projects by mobilizing the best technical experts.”, Armand Pasteur, Co-founder and President of Altea Energy.

Major wind energy projects

In 2022, wind energy was the leading source of renewable energy in electricity production in Europe (15.9% out of a total of 39.4%).

In 2023, many offshore wind projects will emerge across Europe, among which we can mention the wind farms of:

  • Dogger Bank C, United Kingdom (1.2 GW)
  • Center Manche 1, France (1 GW)
  • Walney Extension, United Kingdom (876 MW)
  • Baltic Power II, Poland (800 MW)
  • Baltic Eagle II, Germany (700 MW)
  • Kriegers Flak II, Denmark (600 MW)
  • Baltic Power III, Poland (576 MW)
  • Fécamp, France (496 MW)
  • Saint-Brieuc, France (496 MW)
  • Saint-Nazaire, France (480 MW)
  • Courseulles-sur-Mer, France (450 MW)

These 10 projects alone will provide electricity to more than 7.6 million homes in Europe.

“Altea Energy has been participating in the development of offshore wind projects for several years. Our role is to facilitate meetings between wind project managers and energy experts, to allocate the right resources to the right place quickly and accelerate the implementation of projects thanks to our expertise in recruitment.” Guillaume Escoubas, Renewables Account Manager of Altea Energy.

Major hydroelectric power projects

Hydroelectric energy is the 2nd source of renewable energy in electricity production in Europe in 2022 (11.3% out of a total of 39.4%). Note that Europe is the world leader in the development of hydroelectric power.

In 2023, many hydroelectric projects will multiply in a wide range of European countries, among which the sites of:

  • Svartisen, Norway (2 GW)
  • Kemijoki, Finland (1 GW)
  • Lotu, Romania (800 MW)
  • Skaidi, Norway (600 MW)
  • Svartisen II, Norway (500 MW)

These 5 projects alone will provide electricity to nearly 3 million homes in Europe.

Many other hydroelectric projects are in development in Europe, notably in Sweden, Spain, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.

Major photovoltaic solar energy projects

In 2022, photovoltaic solar energy was the 3rd source of renewable energy in electricity production in Europe (7.6% out of a total of 39.4%) which continues to grow in Europe.

In 2023, many photovoltaic solar projects are under development or construction throughout Europe, and in particular:

  • Santiago de Cacém, Portugal,
  • Cestas, France,
  • Noor Desert, Spain,
  • La Linea, Spain,
  • Solar Park North, the Netherlands

These projects will also help reduce Europe’s dependence on fossil fuels and fight climate change.

Major biomass and geothermal projects

Respectively in 4th and 5th position in “clean” electricity production in Europe in 2022 (4.4% for biomass and 0.2% for geothermal energy out of a total of 39.4%), biomass and geothermal energy remain important energy sources for the continent aimed at making Europe more resilient to climate hazards. They represent 17.5% of final energy consumption.

In 2023, many biomass and geothermal projects are being developed or built across Europe, including:

  • Biomass power plants of:
    • Skövde and Värnamo (Sweden), Vaulruz (Switzerland), Terneuzen (The Netherlands), Kragerø (Norway). It should be noted that other large-scale biomass projects are planned for construction, notably in La Courneuve (France), Niederaichbach (Germany) and Caserta (Italy).
  • Geothermal projects:
    • Geothermal district heating networks in Strasbourg and Paris (France), geothermal power plants in Berlin and Essen (Germany), Rome and Bologna (Italy), Barcelona and Madrid (Spain), Reykjavik (Iceland).

“Green energy projects need experienced technical resources able to intervene quickly if we want to collectively respect European commitments. We have tangible human solutions today, confirmed by all specialists in the sector, by initiating the transfer of technical skills from oil and gas to green energies. If this change has the virtue of immediately serving the smooth running of renewable projects, it will also make it possible to calmly prepare for the transformations that experts in the oil and gas sector will experience in the coming decades.” explains Armand Pasteur, cofounder and president of Altea Energy.

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