9 out of 10 consultants recommend Altea Energy services

As part of its ISO 9001* quality certification and for the continuous improvement of its services, the Altea Energy team conducts a satisfaction survey each year towards its consultants. The 2023 survey reveals that 9 consultants out of 10 are satisfied and would recommend Altea Energy services. A great collective success!

An annual satisfaction survey to drive continuous improvement

Altea Energy is committed to meeting the expectations of its community of consultants to continuously improve its processes and keep its level of quality at the highest.

In the 2023 satisfaction survey, more than 30 criteria were analyzed allowing the consultants to evaluate each service offered by Altea Energy, from their on boarding to their mobilization on client’s site.

“We have been carrying out major transformation projects for several years. The ISO Quality, Environment and Health & Safety certifications that we have obtained since 2020 are part of this objective, as is the digitalization of our services and in particular the launch in January 2023 of our web consultant portal. It is essential for us to regularly question our community of consultants to measure the impact of these changes on the quality of communication with our teams and on the fluidity of our processes. We are focused on offering them the best possible experience: we want our consultants to be happy on their assignment with us and feel relieved in all their logistics and administrative procedures. “, explains Pamela Bobillier, Business Transformation Director of Altea Energy.

80% of consultants are satisfied with the integration process and communication with Altea Energy teams

Improving the consultant experience was brought to the fore with the launch in January 2023 of a secure and personalized web portal which aims to provide consultants with a new digital experience and to streamline interactions with Altea Energy teams.

“The consultant web portal allows us to gain efficiency and responsiveness in the relationship with our consultants. We aim for the best support possible towards our Consultants throughout their assignments by providing them with key information in real time such as the follow-up of their payments, the reimbursement of their expense reports and the immigration documents necessary for their travels at operating sites.”, explains Pamela Bobillier, Business Transformation Director of Altea Energy.

« I appreciate the access to the web portal to submit timesheets and expenses, and the communication with the local team in France. », Claude, Contract Engineer.

« Their communication and the Consultant’s web portal are the two things I like the most about my experience with Altea Energy. », Mohamed, Head of Material Management.

« Good communication with the entire Altea Energy team: operations support, finance, sales. Prompt response to any request and good support. Acceptable payment terms from timesheet submission. », Slim, Senior Drilling Engineer.

83% of the consultants are satisfied with the follow-up of immigration formalities

Altea Energy mobilizes its community of energy consultants in more than 100 countries and has 12 offices around the world with an extensive network of local partners.

“We pay particular attention to monitoring immigration formalities on behalf of our community of consultants (visas, work permits, residence permits, etc.) to ensure smooth travels in their country of assignment. It’s a major challenge for us to comply with local laws and regulations.”, Yen Duong, Head of Global Support.

« Communication is fast and easy with Altea Energy’s administrative team. There is a good understanding and cooperation.», Abdelkrim, Well Measure and Control Technician.

« For me, the Altea Energy team always provides the best possible support. They respond quickly to our emails and calls, and they are also very kind and understanding.», Faouzi, Software Engineer 1

« Very happy to work with such an efficient team! », Zhengyi, Contract Engineer

81% of the consultants are satisfied with travel management

The Altea Energy team is responsible for the mobilization and demobilization of consultants on client sites. They manage the booking of their flights and accommodation, as well as the meet & greet in their country of assignment, in order to ensure smooth and secure travels during their rotations.

Since 2021, we have implemented a brand new digital travel management platform in our system. This gives us total flexibility over the travel booking process: from choosing the best flight options to finding the nearest hotel at the best rate. This is a huge time-saver for us and for our consultants, as they receive their tickets directly once the booking has been confirmed. The platform also has a 24/7 support service, which makes it easier for our consultants to deal with flight delays or schedule changes, should they occur outside office hours. We know that travelling can be exhausting, so the least we can do is prepare and anticipate the trip itself as best we can for them.”, Yen Duong, Head of Global Support.

« I liked the hiring process and since I started my assignment with Altea Energy, I appreciate the support for travel bookings and their travel procedures. », Alaa El Dine, Cost Control

« I appreciate the logistics support for my business travels. », Jacques, FC Superintendent.

« Altea Energy provides quick and correct support and feedback when we need help. », Abdelkader, Well Site Supervisor

Dare to care at the heart of Altea Energy’s values

The Altea Energy team is committed to taking care of its employees and consultants. The management and organization have been shaped around this “dare to care” value, which fuels the passion and commitment of the entire team to offer the best possible experience to its community.

« What I like about Altea Energy is the good treatment from the whole team, even though I am a new consultant in the company. », Abdelhalim, Senior Well Site Supervisor

« I appreciate the excellent communication and quick responses from the Altea Energy team. Nice team. », Emilio, OLC

« What I like the most about my current job with Altea Energy is that every day offers me new challenges. », Mohamed, Expert Well Site Supervisor

Survey conducted among Altea Energy’s community of consultants between February and May 2023. 54% of respondents out of all consultants surveyed.

*ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment), ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety) accreditations were obtained in 2020 by Altea Energy and renewed in April 2023 for all of its subsidiaries.

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