A collective and responsible commitment

Our QHSE policy aims to create a safe and healthy working environment for our teams and consultants, and to improve it continuously.

QHSE Department

Our in-house QHSE Manager is responsible for defining and implementing our QHSE policy, analyzing risks and preventing them.

Our QHSE department updates the legal registers of QHSE applicable laws in each subsidiaries and ensures that the necessary resources are available to be in full compliance with laws & regulations. 

Our teams, managers, consultants and clients are in direct contact with our QHSE Manager and can get in touch at any time.

ISO Certifications

Our services follow the highest international quality standards. We are proud to be ISO certified since 2020, with a renewal obtained in 2023, on all our subsidiaries with the following accreditations:

  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System,
  • ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System,
  • ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management System.

We have also obtained the Qualianor certification in radioprotection in 2023 to protect the health and safety of our consultants mobilized on nuclear sites.

Satisfaction survey

We are committed to meeting the requirements of our community of clients and consultants and to continuously improving our processes.

To do so, we conduct satisfaction surveys twice a year to:

  • assess satisfaction,
  • collect feedback and suggestions for improvement,
  • define Corrective Action Requests (CAR).

Continuous improvement

Satisfaction surveys are followed by the registration of Corrective Action Requests (CAR) and the implementation of action plans aimed at quickly resolving the issues raised.

Our QHSE Manager follows the evolution of each CAR until its resolution, which allows us to ensure constant improvement of our procedures.

QHSE training

Altea Energy strives to convey its QHSE culture throughout the company, and to raise everyone’s awareness, from top management to employees.

To do so, we have implemented:

  • a QHSE induction programme to make new employees aware of QHSE matters and ISO standards, as soon as they join the team,
  • an annual QHSE internal training plan for staff in all subsidiaries,
  • QHSE educational days in partnership with local universities.
Adjira SAYAD
Adjira SAYAD
QHSE Manager

Each year, we mobilize hundreds of consultants on high-risk sites and in extreme conditions, on land and at sea. Our QHSE policy is therefore a major challenge that we deploy in all of the company's departments, from top management to employees. This is essential to the success of our business as it allows us to systematically minimize losses and deliver value to all of our stakeholders.

Our QHSE trainings

QHSE is a priority in our industry. This is why our employees receive training dedicated to the subjects of quality, health, safety and environment throughout the year, and in all our subsidiaries.

These training courses are provided by our QHSE Manager, but also by external training organizations, on various topics such as:

  • Workplace safety

  • Accidents and incidents reporting

  • Ergonomic workstation

  • Fire fighting

  • First aid management

  • Defensive driving

Our HSE handbook

Altea Energy consultants receive, during their induction, an HSE awareness guide containing the basic HSE principles to follow at their site of assignment.

This handbook is a preventive tool and complementary to the HSE training courses carried out by our clients and aims to raise their awareness on the following topics:


  • Alcohol and drugs in the workplace
  • Asbestos in the workplace
  • Tobacco-free workplace
  • Hot work environment
  • Outdoor work
  • Thermal stress
  • Confined spaces


  • Driving and insurance
  • Electrical Safety
  • Fire and emergency evacuation
  • Manual handling
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Facilities and equipment
  • Work around moving machinery


  • Environment
  • Waste management and pollution prevention
  • Dangerous substances and goods
  • Storage and housekeeping

QHSE facts

ISO accreditations
(9001, 14001 and 45001)
subsidiaries ISO certified
(9001, 14001 and 45001)
5 +
QHSE trainings
organized annually
100 %
Altea Energy teams
trained on QHSE matters
92 %
of CARs* closed
(*Corrective Action Request)
annual QHSE audits conducted
(2 internal & 1 external)


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