Altea Energy and Equilibrium Engineering Consultancy sign a partnership to bring their technical expertise to the nuclear industry in the United Arab Emirates

After their meeting in September 2022 during the E-fusion fair in Abu Dhabi and Barakah organized by Business France, ENEC and GIFEN, the companies EEC (Equilibrium Engineering Consultancy) and Altea Energy announce the signing of a strategic partnership to contribute to the energy transition of the United Arab Emirates, whose nuclear industry is a major axis of peaceful development.

A common ambition:
Support UAE nuclear power projects

“The UAE is currently constructing four units at the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP), and the overall project completion rate is over 97%. With a 60-year operating license, BNPP will need the expertise and services provided by Altea Energy to support plant operations for the foreseeable future. Similarly, opportunities are expected to materialize in the region with the development of the Saudi nuclear energy program.“, explains Shaji V. K., Director, Global Operations of Equilibrium Engineering Consultancy.

Through this partnership, the two players are joining their respective strengths: EEC’s perfect knowledge of the energy market and the UAE and Altea Energy’s expertise in the selection and mobilization of experts in the nuclear field.

“Discussing with the EEC teams, we have identified a real complementarity in our offers because they have a strong multidisciplinary engineering team made up of more than 60 specialists covering all engineering disciplines, with great expertise in the oil and gas and energy sector. Our synergy will allow us to cover together the needs of the Emirati nuclear industry. », adds Armand Pasteur, co-founder and President of Altea Energy.

EEC, an essential reference in energy in the United Arab Emirates

EEC is a fully Emirati-owned company, with an excellent ICV (In-Country Value) score, located in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, and is fully equipped with all necessary engineering software, standards and other IT facilities.

“We hope to serve ENEC and BNPP by providing them with technical experts who will deliver training to their operations and maintenance staff, as well as their own trainers, to the complete satisfaction of the customer and the regulator, for the mutual benefit of our two organizations.“, explains Shaji V. K., Director, Global Operations of Equilibrium Engineering Consultancy.

ISO-9001, 14001 and 45001 certified, EEC is registered with Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) and other government entities for the provision of engineering and computer-related services.

Altea Energy, a specialist in technical assistance in the field of energy

“We chose Altea Energy because they have been leaders in the energy sector since 2008, with 12 offices including 2 in Dubai and Abu Dhabi established for 10 years and experience in more than 100 countries. Altea Energy has built an extensive network of qualified and certified experts in various disciplines who can contribute to the UAE’s peaceful nuclear energy program.“, explains Shaji V. K., Director, Global Operations of Equilibrium Engineering Consultancy.

“We want to rely on EEC, which is a benchmark energy player in the UAE and has a perfect command of the local market. Together, we will select and mobilize qualified and certified technical experts to support local nuclear projects and reinforce and train the teams in place in the best possible conditions. We will intervene in various disciplines: maintenance, training, operations on the heart, outage…”, explains Guillaume Escoubas, Nuclear Development Manager of Altea Energy.


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