Désolé, ce poste n'est plus ouvert aux candidatures.
Scope of the SERVICE
The services consist in coordinating and ensuring a sound liaison between the diving or subsea operations he is responsible for and the offshore department in Luanda. The services consist also in coordinating and controlling that the work performed by COMPANY’S contractors on base is performed within the Company standards specifications and scope of work.
Technical activities Services
HSE Activities:
Ensure that the work reception and as built dossier is signed only if the work has been done within the Company scope and specifications. This report must be commented if necessary.
Inspection and Control activities Services
Take advice from Installation Specialist / Assistant about any anticipated or occurring problem.
Quality feature of the SERVICE;
operational experience may be reduced to 5 years.
Be available 24/24h to cope with emergency and operational requirements.
NBThe scope may vary slightly to adapt position to company requirements.
Ces dernières années, nous avons investi dans la digitalisation de notre processus de recrutement afin que nos recruteurs puissent dédier plus de temps aux échanges qualitatifs avec les candidats sélectionnés. Nous avons également repensé notre page Offres de mission sur le site web pour faciliter la recherche de missions et les candidatures. Toute l'équipe Recrutement a à cœur d’offrir la meilleure expérience possible à nos candidats.