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Scope of the SERVICE
The services consist in coordinating and ensuring a sound liaison between the multidisciplinary works of the offshore department and the vessels they are responsible for. The Offshore Manager has the overall responsibility for safety, health and environment for
contractors’ performance, for liaison with all the Company departments involved in the works performed by the FSV / DSV for marine activities, logistics, work program, work preparation, and reporting, associated with the project offshore. The services consist also in coordinating and controlling that the work performed by COMPANY’S contractors onboard is performed within the Company standards specifications.
Technical activities Services
Implements of COMPANY’S policies and rules within the different contractor’s team at work and particularly the COMPANY’S HSEMS (HSE Management System);
HSE Activities:
· Control that working area is fit for the work,
· Control HSE equipment and installation are fit and in working conditions,
· Control that resources and regular drills for handling emergency response are fit and available,
· Participation in HSE committee and COMPANY’S emergency response organisation,
· Reporting of incident, anomaly, unsafe act, near miss, damage spill, injury etc.,
· Analysis and investigation of accident or incident that might have occurred and implementation of corrective plan/measures.
Coordinate the different corporations involved in the achievement of the sub-sea works i.e. Marine, ROV, Survey, SPS technicians, Riggers, Crane operators, Diving Superintendent, Diving Supervisor, NDT Coordinator, as well as any other specialists required for specific intervention. Maintain good team spirit, cohesion, and complete understanding of the role of each individual in the task being performed.
from Company specialists. Main matters of concern are Safety, QA, Survey, ROV and Marine operations.
Inspection and Control activities
Proactive detection of potential problems/issues/concerns to ensure delivery within schedule and planning.
Communication activities Services must
Liaise with Company specialists
Quality feature of the SERVICE
all the activities to be develop in the execution of the SERVICES
Be available 24/24h to cope with emergency and operational requirements.
Guarantors of fault tree
NB The scope may vary slightly to adapt position to company requirements.
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