Publié il y a 1 mois

Fuel Gas Roadmap Support engineer

Réf : 3495

Missions/Service Dimensions

  • Support the fuel gas roadmap coordinator in preparing “Energy Efficiency Boost” portfolio monitoring meetings, consolidating must-dos, KPIs, preparing the long-term plan and budget exercises.
  • Conduct technology watch and active research on emission reduction techniques applicable to E&P.
  • Monitor and update the mapping of Fuel Gas initiatives.
  • Create and participate in updating communication materials summarizing subsidiary initiatives and describing E&P emission reduction projects.


  • Monthly update of Must-do's and KPI's
  • Regular update of Fuel Gas initiatives mapping
  • Updated communication materials

Qualifications & Experience Required

  • Experience: 5-10 years' experience with a predominantly technical profile (processes, operations).
  • Training: General engineer
  • Required qualities: Commitment, autonomy, efficacity in teamwork with multiple interfaces, ability to analyze and synthesize. Cross-functional, rigorous, good listener.
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  • Types de fichiers acceptés : pdf, doc, docx, Taille max. des fichiers : 4 MB.
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