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Planning & Testing of Existing Model
a. Review and update the existing client MAAP model development plan.
b. Prepare a V&V case for the model.
c. Test the existing MAAP 5.03 model and support troubleshooting to run it effectively.
Model Update
a. Work with SAA team and identified Engineering contact points, use available client design data, and data access systems, to obtain, calculate, and/or update the appropriate plant- specific parameters, inputs and bases.
b. Replace generic values and settings with site specific ones.
c. Review the parameters prepared by the client SAA team, e.g. MAAP tracker file, and their bases.
d. Review the process and methods used in the MAAP 5 development project and associated documentation.
e. Use and reference design documents, internal calculations and reports, as much as possible, improve accuracy and appropriateness of the inputs
f. Review associated documentation.
g.Provide model corrections and suggestions for improvement. Implement those with supportfrom SAA team.
h.With support from SAA team members, prepare a MAAP model development andanalysis/run procedure.
i.Prepare a V&V case for the updated model.
Model & Code migration
a.Update the model from MAAP 5.03 to later version such as MAAP 5.05.
b.Support effective client use of the newer code version.
c.Prepare a V&V case for the migrated model.
Continual improvement
Identify opportunities and methods for future enhancement to the model, supporting calculations, and to support the path to excellence in client MAAP model and analysis capability.
a.Prepare supporting documentation for the above, using client templates. See deliverables section below.
b.Consultant to provide training, coaching, and guidance to SAA team members, with emphasison training UAE Nationals, on best practices for MAAP model development and running MAAP effectively (process, methods, obtaining, calculating, and setting of plant-specificparameters). This shall be on an ongoing basis during the course of the project. 1 day training per month and 2 hours informal workgroup training per week.
c.Stakeholders: Consultant is expected to work together with client Severe Accident Analysis team in a supporting manner whilst at the same time providing leadership for the projectbased on consultant’s high level of experience and expertise in building MAAP models andrunning them
d.Work and preparation of deliverables shall be done according to client processes and procedures.
Reporting (Progress, KPI, etc)
Monitor progress by attending weekly meetings, parameter progress reporting, and quality of support provided monthly. The quality of support provided by contractor will be subjectively assessed by the
Head of Severe Accident Management or his delegate based on timely response to, and adequate solution of problems and queries.
− 25 years’ experience working with MAAP models and parameter file development.
− Experience working with the MAAP developers in developing the MAAP software.
− Experience in performing independent reviews of MAAP modelling and analysis, for the developers of the MAAP software
− Experience working with the nuclear licensing UAE Nuclear regulator
− Experience creating user-specific MAAP training programs
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