Désolé, ce poste n'est plus ouvert aux candidatures.
§ Engineering Degree in Chemical/Petroleum Engineering or related subject. Advanced engineering degree is an advantage.
§ Minimum 15 years of experience in drilling fluids engineering with international operators and /or service provider with ample international experience, with at least 8 years as Fluids Advisor for operator company or High office technical experience with service company.
§ Must demonstrate experience in leading well and operations fluids program preparation, executions and optimization for complex operations, such as: remote operations, exploration campaigns, HPHT, unconventionals, complex directional wells, etc.
§ Audit at Rig location drilling fluid equipment, personnel and general operation activity.
§ Strong knowledge and experience with different HPWBM systems.
§ Strong knowledge and experience of SOBM systems.
§ Ability to diagnose and rectify problems.
§ Strong knowledge of cost control and budget cycle.
§ Good knowledge of cementing fluids design and optimization.
§ Ability to support operation and provide advise to Drilling Manager and Drilling Superintendent.
Ces dernières années, nous avons investi dans la digitalisation de notre processus de recrutement afin que nos recruteurs puissent dédier plus de temps aux échanges qualitatifs avec les candidats sélectionnés. Nous avons également repensé notre page Offres de mission sur le site web pour faciliter la recherche de missions et les candidatures. Toute l'équipe Recrutement a à cœur d’offrir la meilleure expérience possible à nos candidats.