Publié il y a 2 années

Drilling Supervisor

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The consultant is experienced and has a recognized know-how in hydraulic and mining drilling techniques, in particular: HSE, organization of work sites, choice of tools, equipment maintenance plan, monitoring of mud quality, adjustment and operation of machines… as well as their completions and developments. He declares to be highly qualified to accompany, follow and control the drilling services in accordance with the good practice guides in force and the rules of the art.

Drilling expert trained as a technician or engineer in the field of drilling or mining research techniques with proven experience in a company performing drilling activities, preferably on projects in Africa. The absence of a degree will not be a blocking point if the proposed agent has significant field experience.

Required qualities:

  • Autonomous and rigorous.
  • Very good interpersonal skills, great multicultural adaptability, and ability to work in a team.
  • Ability to listen and to take into account local field realities.
  • Ability to analyze and synthesize,
  • Great flexibility and availability for travel

The mission is above all a technical support mission in order to ensure a good progress of the works and an increase in the competence of the participants.

As such, the mission will be mainly a consulting mission, the responsibility of the operations remaining with the drilling contractor linked to the operator by a contract with obligations of results. The contractor will be in direct contact with the drilling company.

In addition to his role of technical advice, the Drilling Supervisor will have the obligation to inform the operator manager or his representative in case his recommendations are not followed by the drilling company. It will also be responsible for suspending the operations in progress if it considers that the conditions necessary to carry out the work safely are not met.

In this context, this mission will include the following components:


As such, the contractor shall in particular:

  • Participate in the elaboration of risk analyses and risk prevention plans (including risks related to coactivity with other companies)
  • Ensure that the equipment complies with the regulations in force regarding the safety of the participants
  • Carry out an awareness session on the risks related to drilling activities at the beginning of the worksite for all personnel working on the site
  • Conduct safety "talks" on a minimum weekly basis and more frequently at the request of the operator manager, on topics directly related to drilling activities.
  • Participate in the elaboration of cause trees in case of accident or detection of a "high potential" risk situation even in the absence of an accident.
  • Report to the HSE representatives the risk situations detected during the mission.
  • Suspend the activities in case of safety drift exposing the personnel intervening on the site.

Material and equipment

In this respect, the contractor will have to:

  • Prepare a plan for the verification and control of the equipment used on the site (specific equipment, rolling stock, compressors, generators, pumps, etc.). This checking and control plan will define the daily controls to be carried out at the beginning and at the end of the shift, and the periodic controls that he will consider necessary.
  • Check that the safety devices intended to protect the machines are in good working order and correctly adjusted/tuned.
  • Check the manual and the preventive maintenance recommendations proposed by the drilling company and contribute to their improvement by completing them if necessary. This manual must include in particular the list and frequency of routine maintenance operations, adjustments, replacement of consumables and wearing parts.
  • Check regularly that the settings/trimming of the machine safety devices have not been modified or shunted.
  • Participate with the drilling company's representative in the exit inspection of the equipment before resuming the work activities.
  • Establish a list of spare parts and consumables that the company must keep in stock.
  • Check the stock status of consumables and spare parts on a weekly basis.
  • Report to the operator manager any non-conforming situations detected during his mission.

Use of equipment

In this respect, the service provider must in particular:

  • Precise to the drilling company the instructions and parameters of use and settings of the equipment.
  • Specify the choice of tools and accessories to be mounted on the equipment.
  • Ensure that the equipment is used within the ranges given by the manufacturer.
  • Check regularly the instantaneous values indicated on the dashboard and the indicators of the machines during the operation and, if necessary, recommend adjustments or parameter settings in the event of drift.
  • Check that the machines are kept clean.
  • Ensure that the machines are not a source of pollution for the environment.
  • Report to the operator manager any non-conforming situations detected during the mission.

Staff competence

In this respect, the service provider must in particular:

  • Evaluate the level of technical knowledge of the drilling company's personnel for the execution of the work.
  • Propose to the operator manager and to the drilling company additional theoretical or practical training in order to improve the knowledge of the team executing the works.
  • Prepare training materials.
  • Report to the operator manager any non-compliant situations detected during the mission. In particular, to identify the personnel whose level of competence puts at risk the good execution of the works.

Work follow-up

In this respect, the contractor shall in particular:

  • Ensure the follow-up of the work schedule and participate in its revisions according to the progress, the capacity of the drilling company to carry out the work and the difficulties encountered in the execution of the site.
  • Organize daily site visits with the drilling company manager (or his representative), the HSE Supervisor from the operator, the HSE of the drilling contractor.
  • Participate in the site meetings.
  • Validate the progress reports of the drilling works when he is present on site.
  • Participate in the negotiation of contract increases and adjustments.


The Drilling Expert will have to report daily to the operator manager or his representative on the progress of the work, the results obtained and the problems encountered, of a technical, contextual or other nature.

In this respect, he/she must write a weekly progress report to be presented every Thursday.

This report will present :

  • In the form of an "Executive Summary" a paragraph of 5 to 10 lines written and giving the status of the work. This executive summary must allow the recipients to judge the general state of the execution of the work and the "health" of the site.
  • In table form, a summary of the progress of the drilling work (progress by borehole in progress) and of the development of the boreholes (a model monitoring table is proposed in appendix 2) as well as the deviation from the project schedule.
  • A summary of the meetings conducted by the SERVICE SUPPLIER (HSE meetings, training meetings, etc.)
  • A summary by date of the significant events (or absence of significant events) noted during the daily visits carried out on the site.
  • A report by date of the deviations noted during the past week and the corrective measures adopted.
  • A summary by date of the situations encountered during the execution of the work and which could be a source of added value or adjustment of the contract.
  • A summary of any alerts regarding the condition or use of equipment as well as the stock level of consumables and critical spare parts that could jeopardize the work schedule.
  • A summary of the alerts concerning the professional aptitudes or attitudes of the intervening personnel which could be prejudicial to the good execution of the work.
  • A forecast of the highlights of the coming period.
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