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Control, co-ordinate and supervise well operations in the field, detecting and adjusting any possible deviations, taking into consideration Safety and Environment policies in accordance with the well program.
1. Supervise the activities described in the well abandonment program in accordance with Operator's Norms, procedures, and guidance.
2. Control the critical parameters for detecting operational deviations and implementing any necessary actions for managing changes in the well.
3. Verify that critical safety-critical elements have passed integrity tests and certifications.
4. Co-ordinate the availability of equipment, tools and supplies in order to ensure the implementation of the program and operational continuity.
5. Support the production of the daily operations report.
6. Co-ordinate, supervise and certify services at the well
7. Generate written work instructions based on the operations programme.
8. Ensure that all operations have been suitably risk assessed.
9. Make sure that instructions are adequately communicated in written or verbal form as appropriate. Hold / attend pre-shift and pre-job toolbox talk meetings with personnel as required.
10. Actively problem solve during dynamic situations
11. Proactively manage all third-party service company / contractor personnel.
12. Provide feedback to Drilling Superintendent/Well Team Leader on service company performance.
13. Maintain sufficient personal supervisory presence out on deck - witness/supervise specialist or critical operations.
14. Proactively conduct inspections and audits in accordance with the project HSE plan and ensure records are taken and retained offshore.
15. Make sure Management of Change (MoC) situations are correctly identified, reported and are properly risk assessed.
16. Lead by example to intervene, set standards, give feedback, and coach, and develop these behaviours in subordinate supervisors.
17. With the supervisory team, plan, monitor and optimise all operations to achieve maximum safe operational efficiency.
18. Hold pre-operation planning sessions, debriefs and capture lessons to drive operational improvement.
19. Produce a documented handover for their back-to-back and copy it to the Drilling Superintendent/Well Team Leader.
Qualifications and Experience
Demonstrable equivalent experience in offshore supervisory position on both fixed and floating platforms.
Minimum of 15 years industry experience.
Considerable experience in supervision of well servicing and completion activity.
Previous well abandonment experience essential.
Can demonstrate highly developed problem solving skills.
Previous offshore experience essential.
Familiar with a range of offshore units e.g. HWO, MODU, LWIV etc
Subsea Supervisor IWCF Well Control (Level 4).
Offshore Survival (including EBS).
Offshore Medical.
Familiar with Well Delivery Processes and relevant policies and procedures.
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