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In charge of the QA/QC for activities performed within specific repair / construction projects, namely engineering, construction and installation, for all offshore assets operated by the client:
Engineering and preparation, based in the company Head Office:
o Review of Contractor’s QA/QC procedures and specifications applicable to worksites, including final documentation and certification files,
o Participate to the development of the task packs preparation files (Piping / Structure)
o Validate the QA/QC Plan, the level of NDT controls and the qualification for the NDT personnel,
o Develop general and specific QA/QC procedures, in accordance with Company specifications.
o Ensure / manage the timely review made by specialists of documents (engrg / proc / fab)
o Follow-up / ensure the quality of work performed by Doc Controller.
Onshore QA/QC activities, on the basis of visits to worksites:
o QA/QC audits on Contractor yards, eg: Service Quality Meeting (SQM)
o Follow-up of the execution of the action plans issued after the SQMs
o Quality tours on Contractors yards to check pre-fabrication/welding completion quality
o Manage the third party mobilization (e.g. “Institut de soudure”) for crucial phases of the
o Insure Contractor compliance to the QA/QC requirements for documentation filling, material and control traceability, material reception, storage and preservation,
o Insure compliance at worksites for QA/QC reporting of materiel anomalies,
o Control and validate the progress for QA/QC activities on worksites.
Offshore QA/QC activities, on the basis site survey:
o Be responsible for the quality of all the construction jobs performed on the company
assets under the SUB division supervision.
o Supervise all QA/QC activities performed for construction/installation on these assets.,
o Liaise with the relevant Contractor QA/QC Representatives as well as for interfaces with FPSOs, and Contractors HSE representatives,
o Review and valid the tracking system in place for the As Built preparation and records,
o Review all NDT and certification files, including the documentation from the Vendors, and
Main activities
During the onshore preparation/fabrication works, he/she is based at the office, in charge of:
o Review of the task packs dossiers,
o Review of the NDT plan,
o Validation of the preliminary work permits and associated task packs.
During the offshore activities, based at the office, but with periodic visits onboard the offshore assets. In charge of:
Main communication lines
External to Company: Contractor QA/QC leader (head office and worksite), Contractors QA/QC representatives on site
REQUIRED SKILLS for the execution of the SERVICE
Fluent in English, speaking and writing
NB The scope may vary slightly to adapt position to company requirements.