Publié il y a 2 années

Mechanical Site Manager

Réf : 1965

Désolé, ce poste n'est plus ouvert aux candidatures.

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This is responsible supervisory and administrative work of a technical nature involving overall supervision of the maintenance, repair and reconditioning of all types of vehicles; the direction, deployment and supervision of the activities of all operators of highway equipment and supervision of all warehouse staffs.

Main duties

  • Supervises all garages, workshops and stores warehouses within an assigned region.
  • Directs, deploys and supervises the activities of all operators of highway maintenance equipment.
  • Supervises the work and operation of all clerical procedures involving cost of operation, time cards, invoices and vouchers for the purchase of supplies, highway equipment, workshop tools and machinery; fuels, lubricating oils; material for construction or modification of special equipment; road oils; and asphalt products.
  • Checks and certifies all vouchers and invoices covering supplies.
  • Checks and certifies outside purchases of services or materials as required. Plans and directs shop procedures, work programs, workshop layout and provision of equipment and tools.
  • Instructs, directs and supervises the activities of workshop foremen in proper workshop or garage operating procedures.
  • Prescribes work detail, specifications and procedures to be adopted in special undertakings related to the repair, maintenance and modification of equipment.
  • Devises and carries out precautions against industrial hazards.
  • Interviews and recommends for employment suitable applicants for work in all phases of maintenance and operation of equipment.
  • Maintains inventories of stocks, tools, workshop equipment and other supplies.
  • Inspects and reports on the condition, completeness or suitability of equipment purchases or about to be purchased for the use of the department and makes recommendations where required.
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Responsable Recrutement

Ces dernières années, nous avons investi dans la digitalisation de notre processus de recrutement afin que nos recruteurs puissent dédier plus de temps aux échanges qualitatifs avec les candidats sélectionnés. Nous avons également repensé notre page Offres de mission sur le site web pour faciliter la recherche de missions et les candidatures. Toute l'équipe Recrutement a à cœur d’offrir la meilleure expérience possible à nos candidats.