Publié il y a 1 année

Logging Specialist

Réf : 2997

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Contract Duration: 12 Months

Rotation: 2×4


The candidate shall understand the complexity of the Basin and the science around drilling wells in any kind of condition (normal rated, HPHT), as well as advice to the Company representative about PP, FG, drilling geohazards.

The candidate may be working at the office or at the rigsite, depending on the needs of the project, based on COMPANY’s criteria.

The candidate will report to the Company

Operations Geologist or other specifically designed COMPANY representative.

COMPANY software is Drillworks and Predict.

COMPANY is expecting that PP specialist personnel can work with this specific software.

The PP Specialist will also work closely with the Company Project Manager to execute the Company well plan as instructed by the Company Operations Geologist and Drilling Engineer while meeting all expectations.

The COMPANY will provide all the necessary information (offset well data, PP model, geomechanical model, seismic velocities, travel times, internal report, etc).

The pore pressure detection services include, but not limited to the following services listed below:

  • Minimum Requirements: Real-time pressure detection software (whether provided by the companyor a contractor) is defined as safety critical. The Governance team requires that contractors ensure that appropriate standards are maintained for installation, operation and disaster recovery.
  • The software used to prepare predictions needs to meet Company specifications, design, programmed changes, fault tracking, documentation, implementation, testing, and acceptance requirements.

Analyse relationships with offset wells and if relevant propose additional offset wells for analysis, considering role of structure, lithology, depositional environment and other geologic factors, relative to the target locations. Include offset analysis conclusions from your own database, if applicable.

Construct Pore Pressure model analysis for each of the relevant offset locations generating an Overburden gradient profile based on the available well density log and shallow porosity models, generation of velocity and resistivity to pore pressure conversion parameters calibrated to mud weights and drilling events.

  • Identify overpressure mechanisms, if applicable.
  • Develop effective stress ratio for fracture pressure analysis calibrated to LOT’s, FIT’s and drilling events.
  • Construct 1D profiles for vertical stress, effective stress, pore pressure and fracture pressure at target locations
  • Provide Qualitative analysis and recommendations of other hazardous issues related to the stress fields, instability and geo-mechanics.
  • The CONTRACTOR will generate a Pore Pressure Prediction Report for each proposed well location.

Generation of Daily Pore Pressure Reports which should include descriptions of cuttings, cavings, integrating all kind of data (gas shows, gas manifestations, oil shows, monitoring of gas peaks, gains and losses, Normal Compaction Trend based on LWD, update model with WL data and interpreting any possible pore pressure related events)

  • Following up drilling activities 24/7 from the Office and/or the rigsite if it is required. If working offshore, all the requirements to Wellsite Geologist position will be applicable.
  • Participate in the daily morning conference calls and daily meeting with the Rig or the Office, together with drilling department representative (in any of both locations) as well as Project Team and Ops Geologist.
  • Communicate any concerns regarding Pore Pressure or deviation from original model to Wellsite Geologist & Operations Geologist.
  • Coordinate with 3rd party and act as focal point of PP data and make presentations daily basis at the rig or at the office to the Project Management.
  • Report following communication protocol to Drilling Superintendent /Company man, Wellsite Geologist, PP Specialist and Operations Geologist when a change in the prediction is observed that requires immediate attention.
  • CONTRACTOR is required to report any well event or concerns related to the pore pressure that may cause any impact to the normal operations to the Drilling Superintendent /Company man, Wellsite Geologist and Operations Geologist.
  • Mentor other personnel at the rig or at the office.
  • CONTRACTOR will perform the Work in accordance with HSE COMPANY’s guidelines and procedures, complying with Communications Protocol.

The minimum final deliverables required in the final report are:

o Overburden gradient, pore pressure gradient, fracture gradient and normal compaction trend profiles as a function of depth for actual well.

o Final report documenting assumptions, algorithms for translation from velocity/resistivity to pressure, level of uncertainty, qualitative analysis and recommendations of other hazardous issues.

  • CONTRACTOR shall supply all hardware and software to perform the work.

All equipment and accessories shall be included in the quoted rate.


· CONTRACTOR’s Pore Pressure specialist (also named as PP Specialist) shall have a technical degree in Geology/Earth Science or demonstrate very good skills in Geomechanics, Pore Pressure modelling and Pore Pressure Surveillance. Knowledge of mudlogging and overpressure/deployment mechanics is valuable. Also, the candidate shall be prone in Pore Pressure Software.

· All the candidates must to have a minimum requirement: 10 years of experience as a Pore Pressure Specialist in different drilling wells environments.

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